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Bringing back the Finest in children's books!                                      AUTHORS ~ ABOUT US ~ CONTACT US  

219 pages, 5.5" x 8.5", Ages 8-12
ISBN: 978-1-930900-37-0, paperback

Paperback $12.00

Childrens BookSense 76 Pick for fall 2001!
The Shy Stegosaurus
of Cricket Creek
by Evelyn Sibley Lampman

Suppose you were hunting around in the desert for a fossil and instead you found a real (and very large) dinosaur, genus Stegosaurus. Joan and Joey Brown did! Only nobody would believe they had found one, which was just as well because George (as they called him) was very shy.

He was a loyal friend, though, and he did his best to help the twins with their schemes to make money to finance their mother's dry little ranch on Cricket Creek. George ate sagebrush, looked for fossils, and fought an airplane (which he thought was a pterodactyl) with faithful enthusiasm, but his nut-sized brain often made him more hindrance than help. Especially when he went after the bank robber!

Mrs. Lampman has told her hilarious story so convincingly that you'll be looking for dinosaurs around every mesa. And who knows? Maybe you'll find one!

Purple House Press, PO Box 787, Cynthiana, KY 41031
call 859-235-9970 between 9 am and 5 pm est, ray@purplehousepress.com