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Bringing back the Finest in children's books!                                      AUTHORS ~ ABOUT US ~ CONTACT US  

84 pages, 6.75" x 7.75", Ages 6-10
ISBN: 987-1-930900-06-6

Hardcover $5.00

Big Susan
55th Anniversary Edition
by Elizabeth Orton Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Doll and their six children, Nurse and the old Cook all lived in a house which had no front and belong to Susan. Susan was just an ordinary-sized little girl with taffy colored pigtails. But to the dolls she was a very Big, very Wonderful, very Important Person.

There was one short night in every year when they needed no help from Susan - that Wonderful Night when all Dolls come alive and can speak.

An exciting story full of ups and downs scaled to dollhouse proportions, full of sense and nonsense, fantasy and truth, with glimpses of the Christmas miracle that can happen anywhere - even in a dollhouse. A different sort of Christmas book, one that will be enjoyed at any time of the year and by the whole family.

Permanently marked down from $19.95 to $5.00 with a remainder mark.

Purple House Press, PO Box 787, Cynthiana, KY 41031
call 859-235-9970 between 9 am and 5 pm est, ray@purplehousepress.com